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Home > Opleidingen > Cursus Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Data Models
In 1994, Grady Booch and James Rumbaugh started work on Unified Modeling Language (UML). They were joined in 1995 by Ivar Jacobson, thereby laying the foundations of what would become the future unified modeling language.
The description and documenting of business processes is an often ignored, although vastly important practice.
Typically used to detail object behavior, and as a starting point for writing code, UML's flexibility allows it to be used for a wide array of modeling practices, including business engineering.
During this course, we give an overview of the UML modeling language and industry-standard modeling tools.
You will learn the capabilities of UML in the area of enterprise modeling and you will gain insight into the added value of using advanced applications that offer functionality such as reverse engineering and code generation.
Using a notation to model your business however is just part of the solution! Therefore, we will look at Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) methodologies that you can use to define and discover the specifics of your business domain model.
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) will serve as a guideline throughout this course. Using a methodology also implies applying some form of best practice, and talking about best practices in the UML context is best done referring to patterns.
The Gang of Four (Gof) developed a set of patterns that offer solutions to common design decisions.
De opleiding UML is bestemd voor ontwikkelaars die aan de hand van deze krachtige modelleertaal analyses en ontwerpen voor een informatiesysteem willen leren maken.
Een basiskennis computergebruik en programmeren is noodzakelijk.
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Alle prijzen zijn excl. 21% BTW.
Requirements Analysis
RUP - Inception
Other Requirements
RUP - Elaboration
Sequence Diagrams
Domain Model
Operation Contracts
GRASP Patterns
Collaboration Diagrams
Object Visibility
Class Diagrams
From class diagram to code
RUP - Second Iteration
OCL (Object Constraint Language)
Relationships between Use Cases
Fine tuning the Domain Model
Collaboration Diagram Specifics
Additional Patterns and their usage
Coding Phase
State Diagrams
Implementation Diagrams
GOF (Gang of Four) Patterns
Case Study
Locatie: Wilrijk of online (Zoom)
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